Although many corporations spend millions of dollars on SAP, many do not know which licenses are being consumed nor do they know which licenses are required for each user. SAP is one of the most expensive software systems in the market, yet many organizations still treat their SAP licensing like a black box; they see it in terms of input and output without any knowledge of how it works. It is shocking to find that so many corporations feel their SAP licensing as an invincible force which they are powerless against.
For this reason, many SAP customers have misconceptions about how to optimize their SAP investment. If you have made these statements in the past or currently feel this way, then you are mistaken
Appsian supports the broadest set of business applications, with controls and compliance content to enable better decisions and analysis of application access.
Appsian is uniquely able to measure, enforce and optimize controls for processes that span multiple applications.
Stop transactions in real-time that pose risk to the business process or violate compliance requirement. Mask sensitive data for viewing and download to fix issues that we found from did do analysis.
Granular workflow capabilities for the creation and enforcement of groups and roles, including de-provisioning to least privileged access, auto-terminate suspicious sessions and no-touch user access reviews.
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