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Functional Testing of PeopleSoft Applications

By Chris Heller • May 10, 2009

In our previous blog post we introduced a Continuous Integration server called Hudson to run automated tests against a PeopleSoft system for us. We didn’t really get into any test content itself though; we just ran some dummy Application Engine code to show how Hudson can work with PeopleSoft.

Now that the framework piece is in place though, we can begin creating tests. For this blog post we’re going to focus on testing functional aspects of PeopleSoft, not performance testing.

Functional Testing Webinar

Before getting into the details, I wanted to point out that we have an upcoming webinar on this exact topic on May 20th, so if you’re interested be sure to register for that.

Functional Testing Options

There’s a variety of different ways for doing functional testing. Dave Bain from Oracle recently announced the availability of a PeopleSoft specific unit testing tool called PS/Unit. We’ll look at PS/Unit in an upcoming post, but if you’re not familiar with unit testing you can think of it as testing the lowest level “units” of your code.

Another approach is doing browser-based testing. Browser based testing means having automated tests that drive an actual web browser instance and simulate an actual user’s behavior. The primary benefit of browser based testing is that you can be reasonably sure that you are testing PeopleSoft as your users will be seeing and working with it.

In fact, browser based testing can be thought of as automating the way that most people test their PeopleSoft implementations today; which, sadly enough, is by having some of their functional users run through a series of manual tests in their browsers. Expensive, error-prone, incomplete are some of the adjectives that spring to mind when describing manual testing. Not to mention just the hassle of trying to get the functional users to participate in testing. They may be willing to participate once or twice, but if you need to incorporate any additional testing beyond your original project plan, it is a major hassle.

Browser based testing

Back in the old client/server days, PeopleSoft used to bundle SQA Robot (later purchased by Rational/IBM) because it understood something about the Windows controls used PeopleTools for creating the UI. These days the PeopleSoft UI is HTML/Javascript and there are lots of freely available tools that we can use for testing.

One tool that we like for functional testing via the browser is called Selenium. Selenium can run tests across multiple different browsers, and there is a plugin for running Selenium tests via Hudson so we can automate the execution and management of our automated tests.

Getting Started with Selenium

Before we get into running our Selenium tests in Hudson, we need to create some tests. The easiest way to do this is with the Selenium IDE, which is a Firefox plugin and can record, edit and debug tests. The tests themselves can be executed in other browsers, so we’re only dependent on Firefox for our initial test development.

So if you’re not already in Firefox right now, switch over to Firefox and launch the Selenium IDE plugin installer. Here is the current link, which is for version 1.0 beta 2, but you can check their download page as well to see if there are updated versions available.

Your First Test

After installing Selenium IDE, you can launch it from the Tools -> Selenium IDE menu in Firefo

When Selenium IDE launches it automatically starts in recording mode, so you can switch back to your main Firefox window and begin working. For this first example, I

  • Entered the URL for the PeopleSoft signon page
  • Typed in the password (the user ID was already defaulted for me)
  • Clicked “Sign In”
  • Waited for the portal home page to load
  • Clicked the “Logout” link

Then I switched back to the Selenium IDE window and stopped recording by clicking the Red button in the recording toolbar (unfortunately there are not keyboard equivalents for the Selenium recording toolbar). Let’s see what Selenium captured for us.

The first thing to notice is that Selenium has captured http://www.gsdemo.com as the base URL. All URL commands will be relative to this (there are some extra things to know if you plan to write tests that go across more than one base URL).

The first actual command that Selenium has captured is the open command. All Selenium commands take the form of Command, Target, Value. Here the target is the URL /psp/ps/?cmd=login, which gets combined with the base URL. This opens the login page.

Next is the type command, where we entered the password. In this case Selenium realized that the pwd DOM ID for the password field was the simplest choice that would work. You’ll notice that the Target editbox has become a dropdown box which shows some alternate methods of referencing the password field.

The next command is the clickAndWait command. Selenium recognized the Sign In button via it’s DOM ID of Submit and used that.

The last command is also the clickAndWait command, but when we logged out, there was no unique DOM ID that was associated with the Logout link, so Selenium recognized the click by noting that the link text was Logout (eagle-eyed readers will note that the logout text in this environment has actually been customized from an earlier blog entry.

At this point

we can repeatedly click the play button in the Selenium recording toolbar and watch the browser login and logout. There are actually two play buttons, one is for the current test case and one is for playing back an entire test suite (which is many test cases grouped together). In this instance it doesn’t matter, but once you actually create test suites, then you’ll want keep them straight in your head.

If you have any problems at this point playing back the test, you can try adjusting slider control in the Selenium IDE toolbar towards the “Slow” end. This causes Selenium IDE to wait a bit longer for commands to show some results.

Modifying the Test

Each of the commands that Selenium captured for us is modifiable, including being able to delete it. So to make our test a bit more exciting, we highlight the last command (the clickAndWait command that logged out) and delete it, since we don’t want to logout just yet.

Then play the script again. This time when the script finishes you will be left on the portal home page (since we’re not logging out). Pressing the Record button will start recording again at the end of the script.

This time we will navigate via the portal menu navigation to PeopleTools -> Security -> User Profiles -> User Profiles. Once the User Profiles component search page is up, we type in PTDMO and then press the Search button.

Before playing back this script, I made one manual edit. I changed the very top command from navigating to cmd=login to cmd=logout. PeopleTools will send back the signon page in both cases, but by starting with the logout command you clear server resources from the previous script run. Your system administrators will thank you for this small act of kindness 🙂

When playing back the script, I have a small problem; the script does not playback successfully. It tells me that it can’t find a frame named “NAV”.

The source of the problem is that Selenium does not quite understand the way that PeopleTools is doing it’s navigation. When we click on the first navigation link from the Portal home page Selenium records the following two commands.

  • Command: clickAndWait, Target: link=(the name of the link)
  • Command: waitForPopup, Target: _parent, Value: 30000

After we leave the portal home page though, we are getting into PeopleTools generated HTML frames. The next command that Selenium IDE records is Command: selectFrame, Target: name=NAV. The NAV is the name that PeopleTools gives to the menu frame once we leave the portal home page. What we want at this point is for Selenium to wait for the NAV frame to load before we select it, but the commands that Selenium is generating are only waiting for our top level page to load.

Rather than run the entire test at a slower rate so that we’re sure that the navigation frame is loaded, we’ll insert an extra command before the selectFrame command that will tell Selenium to wait for that frame to load. To do that we

  • Right click on the selectFrame
  • Select “Insert New Command” from the popup menu
  • Type waitForFrameToLoad in the Command edit box
  • Type TargetContent in the Target edit box
  • Type 30000 in the Value edit box

One cool thing about Selenium IDE is that as you enter commands, you get type-ahead support for what commands are available. Once you select a command, then you get the help text for it automatically displayed at the bottom of the IDE window. Very nice! Here’s a full list of all of the different commands that Selenium supports.

The other nice thing about the IDE is that we can copy and paste our waitForFrameToLoad command instead of typing it in everywhere. There are a few more places in our navigation script where the selectFrame command is used, so we’ll paste it before each one. That allows us to run our script at full speed, but have it wait for the navigation to finish loading if the webserver is slow for some reason. Note that after we finish navigating we are then waiting for the frame called “TargetContent”, so we use that name instead.

Skipping Navigation

In some cases you may want to include the navigation portion in your tests, but in many cases you’ll want to just test a certain functional area. A good trick for doing this is just have Selenium go straight to the page that you want instead of navigating to it.

The open command in Selenium can be used in the middle of your test scripts, not just at the beginning, so we can replace all of the navigation commands with the open command and the value “/psc/ps/EMPLOYEE/PT_LOCAL/c/MAINTAIN_SECURITY.USERMAINT.GBL”. Note that we used the psc servlet instead of the default psp. That will completely bypass the portal and just load the underlying component itself.

Making Assertions

Part of testing is making assertions about the behavior that is seen. Selenium supports making assertions about things as simple as text being on the page to whether specific cookies are present (a good way of checking that you are logged in is asserting that you have a PS_TOKEN cookie) and even as detailed as making assertions about the HTML source code that has been generated for a page.

There are somewhere in the neighborhood of around 100 different things that Selenium can make assertions about, so you should be able to come up with something that helps you validate the desired functional behavior that you are testing. For the example that we have been going through I added a the assertTextPresent command with the Target set to “Confirm Password” since that is the label for one of the fields on the User Profile page. This assertion will return true if “Confirm Password” is present anywhere on the entire page.

We can make some tighter assertions by narrowing the focus from the entire page to specific elements. The above assertion could also be implemented as the assertText, which takes an element locator in addition to the text that is being checked. We saw the use of element locators when working with the login form above; an element locator is just some way of identifying a single element on the page.

PeopleTools will typically generate unique IDs for each form field on page. These are normally the underlying record name and field name for the underlying value in the database (with row numbers if working with multiple rows). In the case of checking a label, PeopleTools will generate a “label” element, with the “for” attribute referencing which form field the label is for.

In this case, we end up with our element locator as //label[@for='PSUSRPRFL_WRK_OPERPSWDCONF'] because we want the label for the OPERPSWD_CONF field from the PSUSRPRFL_WRK record.

In the above screenshot we can see that our assertTextPresent assertion passed, but our assertText assertion failed. Selenium IDE provides the reason for the failure in the log though. The assertText assertion is making an exact check of the element’s text, while the assertTextPresent assertion merely checks that the text exists at all across the entire page. Since PeopleTools is generating a colon at the end of the label, we would need to incorporate that in our assertion.

Saving Our Tests

Up to this point we haven’t saved our test logic at all. In the Selenium IDE window, select File -> Save Test Case (or press Ctrl-S for a keyboard equivalent). You’ll be prompted for a file name. I selected TestUserProfile.html. By default Selenium stores it’s list of commands in a special HTML format, which is why we used that extension.

You can also have Selenium export a test case to various other programming languages (Java, C#, Perl, PHP, Python, and Ruby are all supported currently). The benefit to using a programming language for controlling Selenium is that you can then do things like have conditional logic, common subroutines, etc. The drawback is that you lose the ability to use Selenium IDE to work with them at that point. We’ll stick with the plain HTML format for now while we’re still getting familiar with Selenium, but future blog posts will get into using the programming language integration.

In the above screenshot you’ll notice that I expanded out one section of the Selenium IDE window. That shows us the current test case being worked (TestUserProfile). If we click File -> New Test Case, we’ll get an “Untitled” entry added in the list of test cases and an empty list of commands. We would then build up our test case just like we did above and save it.

Once you have a few test cases, then you can select File -> Save Test Suite to group the test cases together. You can copy and paste commands between different test cases, so if you find one test case is starting to cover too much functionality, you can break it into multiple test cases this way. Selenium lets you run either single test cases or run an entire test suite together, so you can break things in manageable chunks without losing the ability to group things appropriately.

I did notice a bug in the test case re-ordering within the Selenium IDE window though, so after you save your test suite, you’ll probably want to open to the open the test file and re-order the tests listed there so they match the order that you want to run things in.

Wrapping Up

Now that we can start coming up with some meaningful tests, the next steps from here are to incorporate the execution of our tests into our Hudson environment so that they can be run automatically for us.

We’ll also want to start integrating all of this with version control. We not only want to start keeping track of the different versions of our tests, but we also want to tie the execution of our tests to changes that are happening with the underlying PeopleSoft objects.

That way if a working test starts throwing assertion errors at some point, we’ll be able to see exactly what changes were implemented in PeopleSoft that caused the problem, along with who did it and the underlying reason that the changes were implemented. And if necessary, revert those changes to put things back the way they should be.

Labels: 2009, Browser, Sysadmin, Testing, VersionControl

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Issues with Dynamic Roles in PeopleSoft

By Chris Heller • April 26, 2009

We wrote awhile back about a customization that can be done to limit a user’s roles dynamically at a signon time, but wanted to point out an issue with it that came up recently during some customer discussions on our ERP Firewall for PeopleSoft product.

The essence of the customization revolved around creating extra tables for storing the “real” list of roles for a user separately so that the PeopleTools tables that stores the roles for a user can be modified at signon time. The way that PeopleTools is delivered there is one table that is both the “master” list of roles for a user and the “current” list of roles for the user’s session.

A little bird told me that this may get addressed in future PeopleTools versions (let’s hope for PeopleTools 8.50!), but for now the modification that we outlined in the previous blog entry is the only way to accomplish this.

So what’s the problem?

Now consider the scenario where your CFO logs in from a public kiosk at a conference somewhere to enter her expense report. You have implemented the customization to limit her roles to just those that would allow her to enter expenses and not be able to do things like pull up your P&L reports when she logs in this way.

What happens when some other process runs (batch, workflow, etc.) and checks to see who is in the high level finance roles? It won’t find your CFO. Not good.

And the answer?

One answer is to do a thorough search of all of the application code for role queries, references to PSROLEUSER, use of the IsUserInRole() PeopleCode function and modify those to use the customized “role master” table that the previous blog entry outlined.

Another answer is to wait for PeopleTools to support the notion of “session level” roles.

Another solution is to use some sort application level firewalling solution. Of course, we’re partial to our own application firewall for PeopleSoft, but there are other ways of achieving this as well.

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Version Control for PeopleSoft demo

By Chris Heller • March 10, 2009


In the past few weeks, we’ve had a lot of interest in our new Version Control for PeopleSoft product. For those interested in learning more about it, here’s a link to the product pages (with a full demo embedded into the “Demonstration” tab).

If you aren’t using anything for Version Control for your PeopleSoft objects, you’ll definitely want to check it out (and share it with others in your organization).

Feel free to contact us at [email protected] if you are interested in trying this product out.


Put the Appsian Security Platform to the Test

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Grey Sparling "PeopleSoft Experts" Webinar Series

By Chris Heller • February 20, 2009


This blog post falls under the category of why haven’t we done this earlier?

Over the almost 4 years that we’ve been in business, we’ve had lots of folks who have read our blog and attended our “tips and techniques” user group sessions ask us to make this information available to others in their organization who aren’t able to travel to physical meetings. Throughout the month of February, we’ve been piloting webinars to a select group of people to get out the kinks and so far, the feedback has been extremely positive (and the response rate we’ve received has exceeded even our most grandiose expectations).

Therefore, we are launching our webinar series, which is a combination of general tips and techniques sessions as well as deep dives into our products.

Upcoming Webinars

We have 3 new webinars that we’re opening up for registration immediately

Development Best Practices for PeopleSoft Enterprise

    Wednesday, March 4 @ 12:00pm PST. Click here to register.

    Learn from the PeopleSoft experts the best techniques for developing in your PeopleSoft environment. We will discuss the common types of modifications made to PeopleSoft applications, and the best means for making changes with minimal impact and cost to your PeopleSoft environment, while still leveraging the functionality available in PeopleTools. We will also discuss techniques for analyzing impact and managing the changes you may be making.

Getting Started with PeopleSoft Reporting

    Wednesday, March 11 @ 12:00pm PST. Click here to register.

    You need to write a report, but how should you go about building it? Out-of-the-box, you are provided with several tools to write reports, an application with thousands of tables, trees, effective dating, and multi-language translations. Perhaps your organization has even standardized on a 3rd party reporting tool. This session will teach you best practices and techniques for determining what tool to use, and how to go about building, securing, and deploying reports against your PeopleSoft application.

Operational Excellence with Grey Sparling Version Control for PeopleSoft

    Friday, February 27 @ 12:00pm PST. Click here to register.

    If you would like to have better control over your development and release processes for your PeopleSoft environments, you will want to attend this session. We will be providing an overview of best practices in managing your PeopleSoft development and releases as well as our product offerings in this space.


We will be scheduling future webinars for other topics, so stay tuned.


Put the Appsian Security Platform to the Test

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Out of Available Memory error running Application Engine

By Chris Heller • February 15, 2009

When you run an Application Engine program from within Application Designer (as we mentioned in our blog post on Application Engine Development Tips) and turn on the checkbox for sending output to a log file, it always defaults to sending the output to c:temp.

If you don’t have a c:temp directory though, you’ll end up getting the “Out of Available Memory” error message.

This problem doesn’t occur when running Application Engine via the process scheduler because the process scheduler has already arranged the output directories appropriately (so that each process instance’s output can be tied to the instance number).

It should default the output directory to %TEMP% and just expand that at runtime, but until it does, then the best thing to is just create a c:temp directory so that you don’t have to keep changing it all the time.

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Fixing PeopleSoft Workflow Email Notifications

By Chris Heller • February 7, 2009

Workflow History

When workflow was first added to PeopleSoft 5 back in 1995, the mantra was the three Rs: Rules, Roles, and Routings. I’ll bet that Rick Bergquist still has dreams where he is talking about rules, roles, and routings 🙂

Routings are the part that I wanted to highlight here. The two primary mechanisms for routings that PeopleSoft delivered as part of PeopleSoft 5 were worklists and email.

Worklists are great for people that spend a lot of time in PeopleSoft applications and have enough activity being routed to them that they actually check their worklist, but the broader audience does not typically login to PeopleSoft to check their worklist to see if there is anything waiting for them to do.

It’s sort of shame that more work didn’t happen on pushing out PeopleSoft worklist entries to whatever the end-user really use as their “stuff I need to do” list. There are some decent APIs that PeopleSoft delivers these days for accessing that data, but I’m not familiar with them being used for generically pushing PeopleSoft worklists into something like the Todo List functionality in Outlook or Lotus Notes.

In the absence of integrating their worklist entries with something else, most people ended up just using email as the primary mechanism of notifying people that they needed to do something like approve a purchase order in PeopleSoft.

Issues with Workflow Email Notifications.

There are some problems with relying on email though.

Please Do Not Reply To This Email.

Historically the emails generated by PeopleSoft came from a system account, instead of being from an actual person. So PeopleSoft customers would make sure that the emails that were sent out all had text in them telling the person “please do not respond to this email”.

Makes sense, except that the whole reason that we’re sending out emails is because of it’s universality. Getting an email that you can’t respond to is kind of like getting phone calls from the robot dialers that political campaigns use; pretty annoying.

In newer releases of PeopleSoft this is less of an issue because there are more places where application developers took advantage of the ability to generate emails themselves in PeopleCode with more control than the core workflow framework provided. In fact, the Financials/Supply Chain development group did enough of this that they wrote an entire workflow framework using PeopleCode application classes.

In PeopleTools 8.48, that code (known as Approval Workflow Engine) was moved to core PeopleTools so that all applications and customers could use them. So if you’re up on an applications release 9.0 and higher, be sure to take a look at that.

Stop Sending Me So Many Emails!

We’ve talked with a number of PeopleSoft customers over the years that have ended up turning off workflow because of user complaints regarding the sheer volume of email that they receive. In fact, we just had someone searching our blog today for how to turn off notifications in PeopleSoft HCM.

The problem is that each event that happens (purchase order is entered) and the notification is tied directly to that. Immediate notification is important in some scenarios (confirmation of a customer’s order, employee terminations, etc.), but when someone in management gets 12 expense report, 15 purchase orders, 9 regularly scheduled reports, etc. showing up in their inbox scattered during the day they sometimes get annoyed.

One way of solving this problem is to re-write your notification processes so that the event and the notification are de-coupled. When the event happens, save off the data (could be in the worklist tables or some other tables) and then have a separate process that delivers the notifications separately.

The problem with re-writing these processes is that it’s time consuming and expensive, which is why a lot of people end up just turning off the notifications altogether.

The 1990’s are calling and they want their email formats back

It’s possible to send HTML email with PeopleTools, but a lot of the delivered workflow does not take advantage of this. On top of that the lengthy hyperlinks that can be generated for navigating directly to particular place in PeopleSoft (the navigation, plus the key values for pulling up the data) are not that attractive.

Who got what and when

Generating notifications as worklist entries leaves a rich history of when the notification was created, worked on, and closed out. There are some nice delivered reports that come with PeopleTools that can show this sort of information. Take a look at the PeopleTools delivered Queries that start with WF. There are some Crystal Reports for those as well.

Tracking email notifications doesn’t happen unless it has been specifically coded into the notification process though. Lots of applications within PeopleSoft have added this functionality to key processes, but it’s very tied to specific processes. There’s no way to figure out what are all of the emails that a particular user is receiving (or see how many notifications are being generated for a particular process).

The topics discussed in this blog entry come direct from conversations that we have had with different PeopleSoft customers (especially from folks that are familiar with the email functionality in our Report Security and Distribution product; see the Report Notification section on the flash demo). Since we’ve seen continued interest in this topic, we went ahead and built something to fix it.

Announcing the Grey Sparling Email Proxy for PeopleSoft

Here is a high level overview of what the Email Proxy does:

  • It intercepts emails that PeopleSoft generates.
  • Classifies them according to your rules (who is getting it, what process is it part of, etc.)
  • Optionally rewrites the email
    • Provides nicer formatting, rewrite generated links, custom signatures, etc.
    • Combine multiple emails together (so someone that gets 20 purchase order notifications in a day can just get one summary email).

There are setup pages where you define the rules that you want for classifying the emails as well as the look and feel of the generated emails, as well as pages for being able to view the emails being generated, statistics regarding the emails, etc.

The Email Proxy server is in beta-testing now at a large PeopleSoft customer that services multi businesses with their PeopleSoft applications and should be generally available shortly.

Labels: 2009, Email, Products, Workflow

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Taking control of your build files

By Chris Heller • January 26, 2009

Continuing on in the cool stuff we’ve been working on series, I wanted to post something about a topic that goes way, way back.

Many years ago, Dave Yoder of Rainbird asked me at a DMUG user conference about how to get variable expansion support for file name references when building a project inside Application Designer.

Without having variables that you can expand, you always have to remember to change the name of the file that will be generated each time you build records/views/indexes, etc. It’s really easy to forget and lose old copies. If you care about saving copies for yourself or for audit purposes, then it gets tiresome to always remember.

Here’s some screenshots of what we have put together to address this particular issue. The first two screenshots show the Application Designer Build Settings dialog with the build log file set to c:temp%YEAR%%MONTH%%DAY%PSBUILD_%DBNAME%.log. Here we are just changing the log file, but it works for any of the files that would get generated when doing builds in Application Designer.

The strings that are between percent signs (YEAR, MONTH, etc.) are variables that get expanded out to real values at the appropriate moment.

Here is what it looks like when you actually run the build.

As you can see, the generated log file has been created as c:temp2009126PSBUILD_PTSYS.log. Since today is January 26, 2009 and I was working in a PTSYS database, that’s exactly what we expected

There are also tokens for things like current hour, minute, second so if you like to do lots of builds in a short time frame you might want to take advantage of those as well.

In addition to things like date/time and connectivity info, there are also tokens that are supported by other Grey Sparling products.

For example, when you are using Grey Sparling Version Control for PeopleSoft you can also do things like reference which ticket number that you are currently working on. Here’s the build settings showing the log file setting as c:tempTicket-%TICKET%PSBUILD_%DBNAME%.log

After running the build (note that our version control plugin is active now; it has to be to supply the current ticket number), you’ll see that the build log file was generated as c:tempTicket-4PSBUILD_PTSYS.log. We could have included the date/time tokens as well if we had wanted to.

Now the build scripts, log files, etc. can easily be associated with the work that you are doing, and even automatically attached to the ticketing system if you want. That helps when your developers and DBAs need an audit trail of these sorts of activities. Fun to use and keeps the suits happy!

So if you run into Dave Yoder at a conference, be sure to thank him for coming up with the idea (and asking about it enough that it finally got built!)

Labels: 2009, ApplicationDesigner, Database, Products, VersionControl

Put the Appsian Security Platform to the Test

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Overlapping Text in PeopleSoft and Safari 3.x

By Chris Heller • November 14, 2008

A little while back we had a request for help from Genentech to solve an issue that was causing them fits. They have several Macs used for ESS and MSS that run Safari 3.x, the latest browser from Apple. The problem is that when Apple released Safari 3.x, they changed a tiny behavior of the DIV tag. The height attribute is now absolute instead of the minimum height. The result is that certain pages now display overlapping text.

So, the question was how to solve this problem without rewritting every page that has this issue.

The solution is extremely simple; add a style that defaults all DIV tags to set the display style to inline. In order to accomplish this on all pages, you need to add a small set of JavaScript to one of the PeopleSoft delivered scripts, for example PT_SAVEWARNINGSCRIPT. Simply open App Designer and the HTML object PT_SAVEWARNINGSCRIPT. At the head of the object add the following lines:

if ( navigator.appVersion.indexOf( "Version/3" ) > 0 &&
navigator.appVersion.indexOf( "WebKit" ) > 0 ) {
document.write('<style> div { display:inline; } </style>');

The code checks the version string for two things, the start of the version number (Version/3) and the browser rendering engine (WebKit). This allow us to only modify the HTML when the browser is Version 3 of the WebKit engine. That means both Safari and Google Chrome will get the extra style tag.

One caveat is that if you upgrade PeopleSoft, you will need to add this script back to the delivered HTML object.

That’s it.

Labels: DIV, Mac, PeopleSoft, Safari

Put the Appsian Security Platform to the Test

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LDAP Query Syntax Tips

By Chris Heller • September 22, 2008

I’ve had a few conversations recently about the strangeness of LDAP query syntax so I thought a post some useful information and links here. You might not have had the need to know anything about LDAP query syntax as part of working with PeopleSoft though. PeopleSoft’s delivered LDAP integration does a good job of providing some rich functionality (authenticating users, caching profiles, role memberships, etc.) without forcing you to deal with LDAP query syntax.

LDAP Queries generated by PeopleTools

For example, in the PeopleSoft Authentication Map page ( PeopleTools -> Security -> Directory -> Authentication Map ) you can select which attribute in the directory (such as sAMAccountName) should be used for looking up the user trying to log in. Under the covers, the following LDAP query string is generated (if chrisheller is trying to login):


That’s a pretty simple example though. Looking up the group membership in order to do PeopleSoft role assignment for a user shows slightly more complex LDAP queries.

  • Novell’s eDirectory wants (&(objectclass=groupOfNames)(uniquemember=chrisheller))
  • Active Directory wants (&(objectclass=group)(member=chrisheller))
  • Oracle and Netscape want (&(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)(uniquemember=chrisheller))

These get generated for you automatically in the delivered PeopleCode. There are some other more complicated examples, but those get the basics across.

LDAP Query Syntax

Instead of having the queries written in a form similar to how you might speak, (attribute1=value1)&(attribute2=value2), the operator (‘&’ for AND, ‘!’ for NOT, ‘|’ for OR) gets pulled to the front and the whole thing wrapped in parentheses. A good reference is Microsoft’s page on MSDN for search filter syntax, which even includes how do things like bitwise comparisons in LDAP queries. Another good article is Unlocking the LDAP Search Filter which has some good explanations to go along with the syntax.

Another good way to get familiar with some of the possibilities for LDAP queries is to look at other examples that have been posted on the internet. JiJiTechnologies has a nice list of some example LDAP search queries. For example, here is a query that returns users that do not have a manager in the directory.


and here is a query that returns accounts that will expire in a certain amount of time (see below for more on generating datetime values for LDAP queries)

(&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(!sAMAccountType=805306370)(!accountExpires=0) (!accountExpires=9223372036854775807)(!accountExpires<=currentTime)(accountExpires<=givenTime))

What can I do with a custom LDAP query?

Well, you might want to do some custom LDAP processing yourself from PeopleCode. Maybe you want to audit the manager entry in the LDAP directory with what is stored within your PeopleSoft HCM database. You might generate LDAP queries like the following to check on a one-by-one basis


(or you might dump the employee/manager attributes from the directory in bulk instead).

Maybe you want to the delivered LDAP authentication to only login users that won’t have their account expire in the next day. You could change the delivered PeopleCode in FUNCLIB_LDAP.LDAPAUTH.FieldDefault to include that check as part of the LDAP query used (note that this is a customization; there is not a place for you to add this without customizing).

As part of our Desktop Single Signon for PeopleSoft product, we also provide the ability to use attributes in an LDAP directory as part of the process of mapping a network login to a PeopleSoft account. In the LDAP configuration there are “prepend” and “append” hooks in place to be able to modify the LDAP query that our code generates.

The feature was originally added because of a PeopleSoft customer that only wanted Single Signon to apply to users that were required to login with a Smartcard. If the user’s account wasn’t setup to require a Smartcard to login, then they wanted Single Signon to not establish their PeopleSoft session, and instead leave them at the PeopleSoft login page.

The attribute in Active Directory that contains the needed information is called userAccountControl. Unfortunately, this attribute is actually a bitfield, so we have to apply the bitwise operators that I mentioned above. In the Single Signon configuration they added a prepend value of (&(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803=262144) and the append value of ) (that’s a single parentheses to close off the query).

At runtime, the generated LDAP query would have been (sAMAccountName=chrisheller), but with the prepend and append values added in, the query becomes (&(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803=262144)(sAMAccountName=chrisheller)).

In case you haven’t memorized the MSDN documentation link from above yet (it’ll be on the midterm), the “:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803” part is the bitwise AND operator, which we are applying to the userAccountControl attribute. The 262144 is the decimal value for the “Smart card required for login” setting (also known as ADS_UF_SMARTCARD_REQUIRED). Here is a good list of the various different bitvalues that can be in the userAccountControl field.

So now when the LDAP query runs as part of the Single Signon user mapping, if the user’s account does not mandate Smartcard login, then the LDAP query will not return a match, which means that the user will not be automatically logged in to PeopleSoft.

Converting date/time values between Active Directory and PeopleCode

I have some PeopleCode written for this, but it’s getting late so I’ll save that for another post. If you’re interested in it, leave a comment. For now, I’ll just leave it as saying that this writeup on Active Directory’s Integer8 attributes by Richard Mueller was extremely helpful in coming with it.

(update : here is a post that provides the PeopleCode for handling all of the datetime conversions between ActiveDirectory format and PeopleCode datetime variables).

Labels: 2008, LDAP, Security

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